
Muhammad Abdullah aka !abdu11ah


Creative, passionate, and self-taught individual with a love for Offensive Security, DevSecOps, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, GEOSINT and CTFs. Willing to work with others in the hopes of learning new things and creatively providing solutions to complex problems and collaborating with them.

By day, I'm a coffee-fueled coder and nerd, hammering out lines of code like there's no tomorrow. But when the sun sets, the real fun begins. I don my virtual cape, pull on my digital gloves, and dive deep into the cyber-verse. I'm not just a hacker — I safeguard the digital landscape.

I dance through encryption like it's a rhythm game, always two steps ahead of the cyber crooks. Don't worry, though — I mostly focus on keeping things secure.

In this age of digital goldmines, I'm the silent protector, watching over your data while you sleep. If there's a breach to be patched or a botnet to be busted, you can count on me. So if you need a partner in code or just someone to talk shop about the latest infosec trends, I'm your go-to. Here's to being a keyboard ninja by night and a security enthusiast by day!


  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, C#, Java, Bash, and Assembly.
  • Tools & Frameworks: Docker, Metasploit, Burp Suite, Nessus, and Nmap.
  • Platforms: Linux, Windows, AWS, GCP, Azure, and Cloudflare.
  • Blogging: As a hobby, I periodically blog about cybersecurity. You can find my posts on Medium.






  • Digital Wallet: Developed a C++ based digital wallet with streamlined fund transfer and transaction tracking functionalities.
  • GUI Based Network Monitoring System: Designed a GUI Network Monitoring System using C# with user-friendly graphical interfaces for exploring network functionalities.
  • Blockchain Implementation: Developed a Java-based blockchain with features like user authentication, transaction tracking, and dynamic coin rate fluctuation. This project was a collaborative effort with Muhammad Munib, Radeel Ahmed, and Husnain Tahir.
  • 16 bit Instruction Set Architecture Simulator: This code provides a basic framework for simulating an ISA processor with a limited set of instructions and capabilities. It can be extended further to support additional instructions and features as needed.
  • Bash Chat: The Bash Chat Application is a simple yet effective way to facilitate communication between users on a local network. Leveraging the power of Bash scripting and the networking capabilities of Netcat, this application allows users to chat with each other in a terminal environment.

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